Saturday, December 24, 2011

Educating the Wildness out of the Wild

Wolves Killing Livestock - Wolf Predation

Ranchers flaunt, fatten, and harvest, livestock on vast grazing lands. And these other creatures - wolves, these wild meat eating creatures - wolves, should know that this isn’t for them to eat. Livestock is off limits to them! Dangerous wild creatures should know that eating livestock and killing is off limits.

However, the wild creatures were never properly educated. We humans have only killed, but have we really tried to reach out and educate that rodents and some deer are only what wolves are allowed to eat, and livestock is off limits? Institutionalized education has helped many others learn about what their purpose is, and maybe with a proper education, wild creatures will learn what they can and can’t eat.

Educating these dangerous creatures would be a great start toward stopping all  killing.

Educating the wild out of the wilderness

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Galactic Spiraling Winds

Me 1980

Universal elements, fabricate our existence, while galactic bursts of winds strip off this vast fabric we had clung to. Gigantic confluent rivers spin our universe a spinning eddy. We come to rest on its passing debris.

Resting only to become dizzy, soon we tumble off our floating planet rejoining the massive flowing body surging beyond our spinning borders.

Celestial spinning gives temporary present day existence.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Better Life

We are all trying to build something. Build a better life, etc... Building a life, a foundation must be poured and its structure must be framed.

I believe life's foundation has hardened and its structure been nailed, however the interior rooms have not solidified.

Completing the planned interior would consist of various bent heterogeneous shapes making completion complex to almost difficult.

So, if one seeks construction of a better life, then it’s a Personalizable design. It wouldn't be erected universally and shouldn't be enforced universally.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Crossing Paths

Two different lifestyles: Modernity and Green lifestyle. Deeply rooted, Modernity has now been poisoned by the bite of the Green lifestyle and vice versa. Each lifestyle manages their daily activities interacting with their perceived images. These interactive lifestyle images are ingrained as solid or shaky arguments against the other’s lifestyle. They show a commonality and purpose through compare and contrast performances. Essentially, either character has chosen to participate in a particular lifestyle which includes a common ground between the two lifestyles when the characters cross paths.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am very sad noticing individuals participating in the enforcement of dogs to be on leashes. WE as part of a social entity have now participated in creating a very dangerous life for all organisms. We are creating instruments that move us around from point A to B, and now with a collaborative agreement and participation in these spiritless things, WE must protect DOGS for their safety. WE have to tie down the very things that WE truly care for - because WE care.

Taking a closer look at dogs to be on leases, leashes/cages restrict the genuine movements and behaviors of the ones we dearly care for, but let’s not dwell on leashes. This thought is not about leashes, or why we shouldn’t or should use leashes. This thought is thinking what is being restricted and what for. This thought isn’t for or against the instruments that are overpowering and managing the leashed creatures. This thought is thinking of those who keep a tight rein on the living and then to announce they CARE for those that they control. In a diluted sense, if the controller cares for the controlled safety, then have WE designed an unsafe presence?

Living creatures shouldn’t be bound.

Remember, this is a thought, which makes it subjective, so please, it’s not an attack on those domineering instruments or those that idealize them.